TC-TORRES (CC0), Pixabay

Regrettably, pit bulls must contend with the negative image that people have of them. People might be less fearful of these canines if they were aware that they are among the most amiable canines in existence. In fact, they were referred to as “nanny dogs” because they were thought to be the greatest pets for caring for youngsters.

Unfortunately, wicked humans mistreated them and created a stigma that has yet to be eradicated. Many fear and shun pit bulls due to the misconception that they are ferocious, wicked dogs. But, if humans simply took the time to get to know these puppies, they would quickly see that they are not the monsters that people portray them to be.

Workers in Rondonia, Brazil were completing a project at what appears to be a hotel. The men were doing their own business when, seemingly out of nowhere, they observed a pit bull running at them. A few of them identified the dog and persuaded the others to hide.

A few employees hid behind a door, while the remainder got onto the counter to protect themselves from the allegedly violent dog. The pit bull was full of energy and was dashing back and forth over the counter to get to the humans. They were unaware that the dog merely wanted to play with them.

After a few moments, a worker, presumed to be a dog owner, approached the pit bull and attempted to pet him. At this point, his coworkers who had been afraid of the furry infant were all smiling and laughing at their own foolishness.

Because of this, we should not criticize a dog based on its breed, especially pit bulls. These adorable canines may appear ferocious, but this is due to their anatomy. Pitties are essentially identical to the fuzzy goofballs you have at home.

Source: ViralHog


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