Fur parents know how clever their canine buddies are. Even in the most desperate times, dogs manage to find a way to address their most pressing concerns.

Thus, a doting fur dad finds his Great Dane heading to the nearby bushes and uses their leaves to scratch its back. And, it looks like the dog’s brother catches up to its idea as he heads over to the shrubs as well.

Ooh, what’re you doing there, Ellie?

In this intriguing video clip, Ellie, a black-furred Great Dane, stands by a metal fence. Not far away from Ellie, one can notice the green shrubs’ leaves reaching through the rungs.

At first, you’ll think the Great Dane positions herself near the bushes for some sightseeing. But, as fur dad moves closer to Ellie’s location, the doggo leans her body closer towards the foliage.

With this, Dad asks what Ellie’s up to. But, instead of responding, the clever dog arches her neck to make it brush closer with the shrubs.

Ahh, that feels better!

Ellie carries on with her peculiar movements, even bringing her head closer towards the shrubs. The Great Dane even stretches her whole body to make the leaves scratch her body more.

The Great Dane then twirls and repositions herself so that the other side of her body comes in contact with the leaves. And, just like earlier, Ellie stretches and moves closer to the leaves to make them scratch her back.

It turns out Ellie’s got a couple of itches on her body, hence deciding to use the shrub’s branches as her back scratcher. Yet, Ellie needs to cut her scratching session short as her brother Mikey trots in her direction.

Ellie and Mikey soon exchange greetings before the latter heads out to enjoy the day. Do you think Mikey follows his sister’s witty idea? You won’t know unless you ensure to tap the linked video clip below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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