The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is considered the canine Olympics. It’s where the best of the best, the cutest of the cutest, gather for the most prestigious podium finish in the world of doggo competition. The show has recently concluded.

Here are some of the most adorable photos from the event.

These Russel terriers are enjoying their post-show moment. They had already been evaluated by the official panel of judges but some not-quite-official judges and more like random admirers could not help but approach these cute pups for routine inspection cum canine admiration. Thank goodness these terriers are not divas.

Here we have an Irish Setter receiving last-minute grooming from his most likely excited and anxious human. If winners are judged by their looks alone, we can assume this pup ended up on the podium with how good-looking he is. His human got lucky.

Here is a parade of some of the world’s most adorable doggos. They are all being displayed by their proud humans, and they are all so well-behaved. Surely the judges had a rough time deciding which one of these cuties deserved the pewter cup. If it were up to all of us, we would declare all of them a winner.

Here we have the show’s ultimate winner. The dog who received the coveted pewter cup. Some people questioned this doggo’s win for reasonable arguments, but we simply can’t jump on that bitter bandwagon.

Regardless of the unfavorable reactions to this terrier’s win, the fact of the matter is he’s already been judged as the winner. There’s no changing that now. We can all instead just wait for next year’s show and root for our faves even stronger.

After all, this winning dog is cute. He’s the best. They are all the best.

For Dog’s sake give all of them a pewter cup and let all of them have their moment on the winner’s podium!

Source: The New York Times


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