Everyone loves puppies. No matter what they do, these little canines tug our heartstrings like no one else can.

Thus, a toddler giggles hard when Polish Lowland Sheepdogs swarm around her for some show of affection. Even if the little girl goes full belly-laughing, the pups carry on with their doting gestures.

We love you, sis!

In this lively footage, four Polish Lowland Sheepdogs saunter towards their sister named Emma. At first, it looks like the pups merely follow the toddler to ask for dibs.

Even as Emma continues walking, the four puppies follow her. Eventually, the quartet meets up with their other canine siblings and walk towards a mini-sofa.

Other pups by now would leave the little girl alone, but these adamant mutts continue to swarm over Emma. The puppies’ eagerness even causes Emma to nearly trip. Good thing the toddler has superb reflexes as she manages to sit on the couch before the pups overtake her.

Stop it! It’s ticklish!

Even as Emma takes a comfortable seat on the mini-couch, the Polish Lowland Sheepdogs continue to saunter towards her. At some point, the puppies start piling themselves on the toddler’s lap.

Without wasting any second, the hilarious puppies begin tickling and giving her cheek smooches to show how much they love her. These gestures ultimately tickle Emma, prompting her to giggle out loud.

One of the dogs even pounce on their fur sister and gives her another round of ticklish kisses on the cheek. As if this isn’t enough, the doggo nibbles on Emma’s ear to further induce laughter from the adorable toddler.

So, are you ready for puppies to swarm over you and tickle you like crazy? Well, feel free to watch Emma and her adorable Polish Lowland Sheepdog pack in live-action through the link below.

Video Credit: ViralHog via YouTube


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