Every year, countless dogs become victims of dogfighting. While many of these dogs are killed in dogfighting, those that are rescued are labeled to be too traumatized to become pets. As a result, most dogs rescued from dogfighting are euthanized.

A dog named Pacino was found by animal control officers in an abandoned house in New Jersey. When Pacino was brought to an animal hospital, his body was covered in bite marks. Pacino was also terrified of everything. One of the vet techs working at the animal hospital named Brittany felt sorry for Pacino. Brittany knew that there was a high chance that Pacino would be euthanized because of his history.

Pacino was so terrified of people that he refused to come out of his crate when Brittany opened it. Because Pacino was covered in dried blood and bite wounds, animal control officers and the veterinarian believed that Pacino was used as a bait dog. Pacino was used for the more aggressive dogs to practice on, which is a truly horrible concept.

pit bull, dog, pitbull

The veterinarian and animal control officers decided that it would be better to put an end to Pacino’s suffering by euthanizing him. However, while the vets were discussing Pacino’s fate, Pacino looked up to Brittany and licked her face. That was the moment that Brittany knew that Pacino deserved a second chance.

Brittany asked the vets to give Pacino a second chance. Brittany shouldered all financial responsibility for Pacino’s treatment and she also decided to take him home as a foster. Brittany just wanted Pacino out of the hospital and into a better environment where Pacino would feel more at ease. Brittany’s main priority is to help Pacino recover physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Brittany realized that Pacino needed a lot of work. Pacino didn’t know how to be a dog and he was just shut down and scared of interacting with people and other animals. However, with lots of love and patience, Pacino began to realize that he could trust Brittany.

dog, sea, beach

After a few weeks, Pacino’s wounds started to heal. Pacino also started to come out of his shell and show his goofy and playful side. Despite his traumatic past, Pacino is eager to love and trust humans again.

Brittany decided that Pacino was going to stay with her. After everything that Pacino’s been through, he definitely deserves all the love in the world. Here’s a heartwarming video showing how Brittany gave a bait dog a second chance.

Video Source GeoBeats Animals via YouTube


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