temperament of an english mastiff dog

Mastiff pet dogs are not vicious dogs but they are huge and demanding. They must be trained at a very early age or else they will immediately use their huge built to impose or to take control. This can lead to several behavioral issues in your English Mastiff dog. However, there are effective recommendations on how to solve these problems with your pet dog.

Mastiffs like to chew on almost everything just like other dog breeds.

This behavior must be controlled immediately. While he is young, it is advisable to give him chew toys that are suitable for his needs. Keep your valuable things away from your pet dog. If you find your English Mastiff eating on anything he should not, take it away and change it with an appropriate toy to chew on. Commend him for chewing on the suitable object. Be persistent and watchful.

Aggression can be an issue with Mastiffs.

Mastiffs can push you away, ignore your commands and guard the food and toys. To stop this pushy attitude you need to take command and never permit it. For example, if your Mastiff forces ahead of you through front doors, instruct him to remain at the entrance until you provide the sign to come. As an alternative of pulling back when your pet dog pushes you, pull him back, getting into his space. Your actions will instruct your canine that you are in command. Never ever be harsh to your pet dog. You can give him a toy to distract him when he for example does not want to get off the sofa. Consistently treat good behavior. You can also reduce this aggressiveness through spaying or neutering.

Shyness is also a typical problem among Mastiffs.

Being reserve is an inborn problem or from lack of socialization. Bringing your dog to the vet or going on a trip can also be challenging since your dog prefers staying home and only wants to be around your family. Get your pup outside as frequently as possible. Let your dog meet other people outside your home. And help him be accustomed to other dogs and animals by taking a walk at a dog playground.

Extreme barking is another problem you need to observe in your English Mastiff dog.

It is unusual for a Mastiff to bark this way. He could be tired or bored. Just make sure you spend more time with your pet and that he has toys to play. When he starts to bark excessively you can wrap your arms around his muscles and ask him to be quiet. Make sure to praise him for being obedient after. You can utilize what is referred to as a “shake can” to prevent woofing. Another way to distract him from barking loudly is through a soda can with pebbles or pennies inside. Just make sure to tape the top part of the can. Once your dog barks, toss it in his direction but do not throw it to him. This strategy can surprise him and quit barking. Then, once again, commend him for being quiet.

Most pet owners think that when their dogs jump up to them is a way of welcoming them.

But this is incorrect. Jumping up most especially for huge breeds is a sign that your dogs show their dominant behavior and this should be stopped earlier.  Instruct your pup to seat and stay still and that he will be rewarded after. If your Mastiff jump up on you, tip back or move away so that no body contact is made. After that say to him to sit and applaud him when he follows the order.

These are the most common behavioral issues you will encounter with your English Mastiff dogs. Training and guidance must start at a very early age and this will certainly eradicate potential issues. It is highly recommended to seek help with your vet or a specialist if you are unable to resolve these behavior problems of your English Mastiff dog.


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