Rescuing a stray dog off of the streets is no easy task, especially when they tend to steer clear of human interactions. So when this couple tried to rescue a stray dog and her bunch of puppies, they had to get a little creative.

Karlee Anderson and her partner, Jon, were living aboard on Jeju Island in South Korea when were heard a stray mama dog was living near their home. It wasn’t uncommon for them to see strays on the island, but they wanted to check on the pooches themselves.

After a quick ten-minute drive from their house, the couple found themselves in a construction site dumped with garbage and wood. The place was nowhere near a suitable home for a nursing canine and her little pups. On top of that, they learned the site was soon to be demolished.

animal, bulldog, canine

So the couple immediately decided it was best to take them home with them. However, when they went looking for the dogs, they discovered that the puppies were hiding under the pile of wood. Their mom, on the other hand, was nowhere in sight.

Karlee and Jon decided they would lure the puppies out first, so their mom would come out, too. After a few days of trying, they finally coaxed the pups into going out of the woodpile with some food and water. They were a little skittish around people, but they eventually warmed up to the couple.

The same cannot be said for their mom, though. She wouldn’t go anywhere near Karlee and Jon and was very afraid of any humans. The couple tried trapping her and making her jump into the car where her puppies are, but none of their ideas worked.

Until one day, one of the locals who lived near the construction site suggested a crazy plan. He would place the puppies in his truck and drive to the couple’s house. He was confident that the mama dog would follow him.

When they tried the local’s plan, the couple were surprised that the pooch did follow the truck. They drove very slowly to make it easier for her and took plenty of stopovers to let her rest.

When they reached the house, the mama dog was still skittish of the couple, but eventually, she learned to trust them. The couple fostered the pups until they were ready to get adopted, while the mama dog, whom they named Hinsoona, stayed with them. Watch their story here.

Mother Dog Chases After Car With Her Rescued Babies

This mother dog is chasing after her babies

Posted by The Dodo on Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Courtesy of The Dodo


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