It’s nice to know that our furry best friends are smart enough to do certain tasks for us. Their incredible intelligence is one of the main reasons why we decided to make them our animal companions. There are plenty of genius doggos out there, and we just have to give them a chance to show their doggie abilities. Fortunately for Lola, she has a dog dad who did just that.

Lola’s human, Dutch Richards, received a text message from his friend Ava, telling him about puppies in their city that needed a home. This piqued the dog lover’s curiosity since Dutch and his friends were cooped up at home because of the pandemic. So they visited the location that Ava mentioned so that they could take the fur babies home.

They found the pups in a yard with a sign that says “Puppies looking for a good home.” Dutch shared that Lola caught his attention right away, so he decided to adopt her. After a couple of days, the two started playing hide and seek. This was when Dutch noticed that his pup was doing something unique.

Whenever Lola hid underneath the couch, and Dutch moved the piece of furniture, the pupper would scoot along with it! The dog dad was baffled at what he saw. Seeing this made Dutch realize that his doggo is a genius!

Dutch then bought a small set of “talking buttons” as most advanced doggos can use these with ease. Within several days, Lola has learned to communicate with her human with the nifty contraption.

The pup’s favorite button is the one that says “treat” and that is not much of a surprise. Lola is pretty young and she will be able to achieve so many things under Dutch’s guidance. However, she does have one weakness, and that is taking a bath! Lola is simply horrified every time Dutch says the word “bath.” Check out this furry genius in the clip below.

Credits: GeoBeats Animals


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