Duncan, a Pitbull, was found as a stray in the Northern suburbs of Chicago. People believed he had a previous owner, who eventually gave up on him. He spent some time on the streets until he ended up at a local animal shelter, where he met Greta, his new mom.

Greta lost her dog several months prior and she cautioned herself into adopting a new one. She thought she needed time to heal her broken heart and that she may not be the best dog mom during that time. But when she saw Duncan, she changed her mind and brought him home.

The dog was rough around the edges. He was skinny and he had no interest in life. But with his mom’s help, he found the courage to get back into society and be a happy pup once again.

After all that he may have been through, Duncan had all the reasons to hate humans. But instead, he longed to be with them. He held no grudges because he knew that while someone may have been cruel to him, thousands more would care about his well-being, and his mom’s one of them.

Duncan doesn’t know a lot of tricks and he isn’t as canny as people expect him to be. But when it comes to laughter, he delivers. He never fails to make his mom laugh, and he does it by simply being himself.

During winter, the young dod would go out and eat snow before it lands on the ground. He also loves playing with water and he will drink from any water fountain. But at home, he whines and complains about the tub. He hates bath time and no amount of treats will ever change his mind.

Duncan isn’t so good with other dogs, but he adores cats the most. In fact, he has his own cat, Coco. He loves her so much and she returns his affection in any way she can.

He may not be the smartest but Duncan is surely the funniest, and to his mom, he is the best. He is perfect, and she will never regret bringing him home.

Credits: Instagram@Duncan Dog and GeoBeats Animals


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