It’s amazing to see how far dogs would go for the sake of their offspring. Sometimes rescuers find stray mother dogs who would do anything to protect their puppies. Such a display of maternal instinct is why people often sympathize with them, thus eventually leading to their adoption.

A mother dog named Bennie was found inside a small hole on the ground somewhere in Tijuana, Mexico. She had four puppies that stuck close to her. Fortunately, all of them were successfully rescued and sent to a foster home.

Once she was rescued, her foster guardian, Riley, discovered another concerning issue. Bennie had cancer and needed treatment as soon as possible. Riley knew it was too early for Bennie to kick the bucket because she still had to enjoy her new life.

True enough, Bennie learned to appreciate being a dog under Riley’s care. She found out that she loved chasing squirrels. She also met Riley’s other dog, Stanley, who became her best friend. All of this was possible because Riley took great care of Bennie’s puppies.

Riley admitted that taking care of two dogs and four puppies tended to be chaotic. However, it was also a very fun experience altogether. She said that the most rewarding part was seeing the puppies get adopted into different homes.

When Bennie became cancer-free, she was the first one to get adopted. Usually, the puppies get adopted first before the mother. However, in her case, someone saw something special in her and took her in.

Bennie immediately formed a connection with her new owner’s son. She would often sleep in the same bed as him while he cuddles her. She’s also very close with her owner’s other sons.

There is no trace of sickness or sadness in Bennie. She’s living a life of pure joy in an environment suited for her. To show appreciation for her owners, she protects them the same way she would protect her puppies. Bennie never has to experience being stuck in a small hole ever again.

Video courtesy of The Dodo via YouTube.


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