susanne906 (CC0), Pixabay

Dogs form strong bonds with people and other animals. Often, this bond is so intense that the dog never wants to be apart from the object of their affection. A pit bull named Taz, for instance, always wants to be with his sibling named Bones.

Taz cannot stand being separated from Bones for even just a moment. He would run around and try to find a window where he could call out to his sibling. Taz would not be interested in any toys until Bones is present.

During training, it was often necessary to separate the two dogs so they would not become distracted. Even still, the training sessions never lasted longer than five minutes until Taz demanded to see Bones once again. This is the same pattern that would happen during each session.

The two dogs behave similarly to human siblings. They like to taunt and tease one another. Taz behaves more like a younger sibling who is constantly vying for attention. And despite all the challenges that they face, their love for one another triumphs over all of them.

Taz’s favorite person is the mother of his owner. If she gives Bones even a sliver of her attention, Taz will arrive within only seconds to disrupt that. Even so, Taz’s owner appreciates his dog’s jealousy.

Taz’s behavior suggests that he is aware he is a second dog. His owners had only intended to adopt one dog, but they were unable to resist Taz’s endearing demeanor so they took him home as well.

Overall, the two dogs brought their owners a great deal of delight. They were adopted by owners who were grieving the loss of a special person. Thus, Taz and Bones became the rays of light that gave them hope through that difficult time.

Their owner cannot emphasize the significance of their two dogs enough. Taz and Bones are incredibly devoted to each other and as owners, they never really have anything to complain about. They simply love that their two dogs do not really get into that much trouble and having them around is just a great thing to have.

Source: The Dodo


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