Owners must really know how to walk their dogs properly and should train their dogs to behave well during these walks. There are numerous consequences if a dog displays aggression against other dogs while on a walk. These consequences can become even worse when the owners are elderly and have issues with their joints.

Dog trainer Victoria Stilwell was contacted by an elderly couple regarding their dog walking concerns. Connie and John usually take their four dogs on a walk and one of them, Max, frequently causes significant problems.

Max will lunge at passing dogs and pull Connie incessantly. The woman barely has a grip on her dog. She had knee surgery as a result of mishaps caused by Max.

Victoria brought Max and the couple to a vast field. Another dog owner and her dog were available to assist Victoria with the training. Max had to understand that the only way he can separate himself from someone is when he is silent and behaving well.

Victoria rewarded Max whenever he displayed composure and disregarded the other dog. Eventually, he found himself side-by-side with the other dog, and he did not react in any way. Victoria was progressing and soon, it was Connie’s turn to do what Victoria did.

Connie was anxious at first, but she knew she had to do it. She feared that Max would again begin barking and dragging her. However, Max did not exhibit any unpleasant behaviors when walking parallel to another dog. Connie felt greatly relieved.

In the past, it was a nightmare to walk Max. However, after Victoria showed Connie how to train Max, the situation changed drastically. She was now capable of taking Max on walks without having to worry about the dog’s actions.

After a few weeks, Connie had no trouble walking Max with other dogs around. She was no longer concerned about misbehavior from Max and she knew that she would not have any kind of mishap anymore.

Source: It’s Me or The Dog


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