Some dogs are very helpful to their owner’s business. For example, a dog named Hodu loves to interact with the customers at her owner’s hair salon. As a result, several people have become regular customers because they enjoy seeing Hodu there.

Whenever a customer enters the hair salon, Hodu will greet them while wagging her tail. She doesn’t care if they are strangers; she welcomes everyone that comes through the door. Sometimes she would allow customers to pick her up and place her on their lap.

Hodu often sits on the lap of customers who are having their hair done. Once she’s on their lap, she doesn’t move around much and is very well-behaved. Because of that, the customer finds their experience at the salon enjoyable.

While Hodu is a great asset to her owner’s business, she is far from perfect. Sometimes she would whine loudly out of the blue for an unknown reason. People are often caught off guard whenever she does that.

Hodu’s owner is unsure of why she whines randomly. Some people speculate that she does it whenever the customers are about to leave. They think that she doesn’t want the customers to leave the salon.

Despite Hodu’s random whines, customers still love her. Her owner’s business is still booming, and her unexpected outbursts don’t cause any harm overall. That’s why her owner never really tried to address the behavior.

Hodu’s random outbursts also happen at home with her owners. Whenever the owners finished eating dinner, the dog would start whining again. The owners are left dumbfounded every time that happens.

One day the owner consulted an animal behavior expert to address Hodu’s problem. A famous trainer named Lee Chan Jong was the person who arrived to help them. The entire training session with Hodu can be seen in the source below.

Source: SBS TV Animals via YouTube.


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