Moo, an Australian Shepherd, was found in a vacant lot, where people often abandon unwanted dogs. He was so scared and confused. He trusted no one and he lived on his own for who knew how long.

A lot of experienced dog rescuers tried but none of them succeeded in rescuing the dog. They all wanted to help but they could not spend all their time on Moo alone. When they failed to secure him, they moved on and hoped that someone else would come and save the pup.

Eventually, Monica, a seasoned rescuer, heard about Moo. Once she knew where to find the dog, she headed out right away to meet him. Like most rescuers, she needed to spend hours to gain the dog’s trust. But unlike, them, she was able to finally bring Moo to safety.

Monica posted Moo’s photo all over Northern California in the hopes that someone would recognize him. There should be at least one person missing this dog, she told herself, but she was wrong. She waited but nobody came to claim the dog.

Good Samaritans continued to share Moo’s story on social media, and that’s how Lee Asher, founder of the animal sanctuary The Asher House, learned about the dog. He didn’t know much about the pup but something inside of him told him he was the one who could help Moo the most.

On their meet-and-greet, Lee held the dog’s leash and gently pulled it toward him. He remained calm and patient, and within minutes, something amazing happened. The dog let its guard down, sniffed Lee’s hand, and eventually lay on the ground, exposing its tummy for some belly rubs.

The 5-year-old dog is now safe and happy in the sanctuary. He explores nature almost every day and he couldn’t get enough of his new dog buddies. But on top of it all, he loves spending time with Lee and he has decided to never leave his new dad’s side ever again.

Moo evaded rescue because he feared humans. But after meeting Lee, he realized not all people were bad. A few may have caused him sorrow but Lee will never let him down.

Credits: The Asher House


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