Dragag_adoroarte (CC0), Pixabay

There is no doubt that dogs are capable of showing affection toward other creatures. However, it is simply odd when a dog becomes devoted to a litter of puppies that aren’t related to her. And when the original parent of the litter lives in the same doghouse, this scenario becomes even more intriguing.

Leo is a Siberian husky that has grown rather fond of the puppies she shares her home with. These puppies are the children of Nooroongji, a labrador that resides in the same space. The father is named Tattoo and he and the puppies live in the same home, complicating the living situation.

Initially, their owners intended for Leo and Tattoo to be a couple. Despite spending years together, they were unable to have children. Tattoo then redirected his attention to Nooroongji when she was brought to the mix, and they were able to create the puppies that Leo now adores.

The situation may appear to be just like how it would play out in a TV drama. They have challenges on a daily basis that are complicated. Nooroongji, for instance, could barely feed her puppies because of Leo’s constant presence. Sometimes, the husky even prevents her from approaching them.

When it comes to the puppies, Tattoo does not want to really be hands-on with them. The only time he is helpful is when he walks to the beach with Leo. This is the only time Nooroongji has with her puppies alone. The issue still is there though when Leo and Tattoo return from their walk.

One day, Nooroongji reached a breaking point and decided to escape the situation. No one anticipated that the labrador would flee out of frustration.

What happened next in this interesting story? The media outlet covering this, SBS TV, has an update on YouTube. Do not be too worried though because it has been shown plenty of times before that the majority of their stories have a happy conclusion, so this one is likely to follow suit.

Source: SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐


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