It’s always heartbreaking to see a dog abandoned in an old home. They never leave, thinking that their owner will come back for them. It’s moments like these that motivate dog rescuers to do what they do.

Bo is an example of a dog who was left behind by selfish owners. He was living in his old doghouse without food or water. To make the matter worse, he was attacked by coyotes and had severe mange on his skin.

The rescuers gave him some food which he ate enthusiastically. However, no amount of snacks would get him to come out of his doghouse and follow the rescuers. After some time, the rescuers decided to put a leash on Bo and gently pull him out.

When a leash was put on Bo, he panicked and squeezed under his doghouse, hiding from the rescuers. The rescuers had to poke and prod to get a grip on him. The entire ordeal lasted for more than 45 minutes and only ended when one rescuer got ahold of Bo’s paws.

Despite the use of force, the rescuers made sure the dog was not hurt in any way. It was a method that they had to use because Bo was being too stubborn. Of course, the care he received afterward made up for how he was treated during the rescue.

Eventually, Bo ended up getting adopted by a woman named Patricia Williams. She was also a dog rescuer, so she understood what it takes to help a dog get better. Bo’s appearance and overall mood drastically changed within two months of being with Patricia.

Bo took another six months before he fully accepted his new circumstance. Once he realized he was safe, he enjoyed life to the fullest. He would run around and play whenever he could, without fear of being abandoned.

Story courtesy of The Dodo via YouTube.


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