Anyone who has taken care of a litter of puppies knows how hard it is to make them cooperate. That’s why dog owners often bathe multiple puppies one at a time. However, some dog owners are brave enough to attempt to bathe multiple puppies simultaneously.

One day a woman named Jenn fostered a dog named Muppet. She has a lot of experience with foster care, but it was the first time she had taken care of a pregnant dog. Hence, she was worried about whether she could handle caring for multiple puppies.

Fortunately, Jenn’s experience with caring for dogs came in handy. While keeping up with multiple puppies was challenging, she was calm and efficient throughout the process. After some time, she eventually learned how to handle chaotic puppies.

One of Jenn’s hardest challenges was bathing the puppies. Gathering all the puppies in one tub proved to be a laborious process. Thankfully, she had a few helpers with her, mainly her daughter and Muppet.

Jenn had an interesting process when it came to gathering the puppies in the bathtub. First, the puppies were placed in two large laundry bins, each holding three puppies. Then they were carried to the bathroom and placed in the tub. As expected, all of the puppies squealed and tried to get out.

Jenn had to multitask; she had to wash each puppy while preventing them from escaping the tub. After a few minutes, Muppet joined her puppies inside the tub, which helped in calming them down. Two hours later, all of the puppies were bathed and cleaned.

Shortly after the bath, several people arrived at Jenn’s home. Those are the people that adopted the puppies. By the end of the day, only Muppet was left with Jenn. Then the two of them sat on the couch for some well-deserved rest.

Source: The Dodo via YouTube.


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