z0man (CC0), Pixabay

When you have four legs, furry, faithful, loyal, and quite adorable, it is highly likely that you can get unlimited love from people. Put all of these together, and you most certainly can get away with a lot of things!

Puppy siblings can be quite a handful and things in their home can get really crazy in no time at all. They sure do love having fun most of the time and if they all focused on getting fun and doing the same thing, owners can surely have a headache. Imagine all of your puppies simply tearing up that book you forgot to put back on the bookshelf.

But no matter what puppies do, they will always look adorable to all of us. They are our babies and we can just stare at them all day.

Right here are seven puppy siblings so their owners have definitely got more than a handful! That’s seven adorable puppies all under one house. That’s multiplying happiness seven times. That’s also having to provide care seven times.

The owner of these puppies feeds them some milk. In just one day, the entire lot is able to finish around ten whole packs of milk bought from the store. Yes, they can really eat a lot!

If you’re wondering where the puppies’ mom is, well, she’s simply relaxing in one corner. After all, taking care of and feeding seven puppies is not a joke!

When her puppies rush over to get some more milk from her, the mommy dog was able to get away from them. We’re thinking she is still too tired from everything that is going that she needs a bit of me-time.

Having seven energetic puppies is not an easy thing to do and we’re very proud of how this mommy dog is able to care for all of them! Their owner is just so happy to have all of them around.

Source: SBS TV


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