kristinelcamacho (CC0), Pixabay

Having guests over for a backyard barbecue is a classic summertime activity. However, when you have unruly dogs, it’s hard to have visitors over. That’s why this couple seeks out the expertise of Victoria Stilwell in the hopes of making their backyard more suitable for parties.

When the dog trainer arrived, it’s not just the dog’s behavior that caught her eye. There was dog poop all over the backyard. When confronted about it, the couple went back and forth and pointed fingers at each other.

One of their dogs hasn’t had a bath in a long time. He’s a labrador named Doyle. The couple demonstrates how difficult it is to get Doyle in the bathtub.

Victoria’s solution was a different bathing device called a walk-in bath. The couple was skeptical if Victoria can get Doyle inside it. However, with the help of teats, Doyle was inside the walk-in bath in a matter of seconds.

The next method Victoria introduced is the poop fence. It’s an angled fence that isolates a small area in the backyard. The goal is to have the dogs poop only on the other side of the fence.

Again, the couple was skeptical. However, as she was explaining, Doyle went ahead to the other side and pooped. He got a lot of praise for that one.

The trainer also put up a so-called poop chart. It’s a chart to record who pooped and who picked up after the dog during the days of the week. Soon The couple will be able to have a backyard barbecue party without worries.

When Victoria left, the couple had trouble making the dog use the poop fence. However, they were also successful in decorating their backyard. Also, for the first time in 9 months, Doyle is given a bath.

Victoria came back and offered more words of encouragement. She also participated in the barbecue party the couple had. The backyard was full of people, and all of them are happy to see how neat it looked.

Video courtesy of The Dodo via YouTube.


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