A Great Dane called Tonka is a huge dog with a big heart. He lives in Cedar Park, Texas, and is a certified therapy dog with The Dog Alliance. One of his favorite tasks is going to the elderlies at Cedar Pointe Health and Wellness Suites.

Sadly, because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the care center temporarily prohibits visitors. Knowing how much the seniors love Tonka at Cedar Pointe, the dog’s owner thought of a solution. Instead of going room-to-room, Courtney Leigh said that they’ll visit window-to-window!

According to Leigh, they found out that because of the pandemic, they cannot have all therapy visits for safety purposes. She said they really missed their visits, and she still wants to continue to share some positivity that Tonka gives to everyone.

With the administration’s approval, Leigh and Tonka had their first curbside visit. Although the seniors could not touch and pet Tonka like usual, the sight of him still brought smiles to them.

Some of Tonka’s elderly pals made signs to hang in their windows. Others placed their palms against the glass, wishing to be close to their furry buddy once again.

Since COVID-19 is fatal in older patients, many senior facilities closed their doors to visitors — even their loved ones. It is in their best interest. However, it may cause depression to some residents.

It is a fact that canines can improve our physical and mental health. Their existence can even help us live longer lives. No wonder a visit from a furry pal like Tonka is very important!

Leigh said that Tonka brought the seniors so much joy. She added they it always excites them to be able to make them smile even just for a day.

Tonka is a therapy dog for less than a year but he already served so many people. In addition to visiting  the elderly, he also goes to elementary schools to greet children, and he attends educational events.

Source: TONKA The giant therapy dog via Facebook


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