Dogs add more to our lives than companionship. Our canine friends add structure and routine to our days. Our pet dogs do require regular feeding and other things such as sleep.

Pet care schedule

For an animal to have a consistent routine keeps them balanced and behaved. Caring for a pet on schedule is a must. Children who take charge of the tasks such as feeding their dog do learn how to be responsible and plan.

Motivated by a pet

Dogs have a natural capacity to unfold the moments according to the way it looks, sounds, and smells. It is fascinating how a dog can focus and be alert. Their keen senses and response can motivate us.

Owning a pet

There is this amusing and highly-entertaining video about the morning routine of a toddler and a dog. You’ll see that there is a loving bond between the two as they start their day together. This video shows that owning a pet taught the child mindfulness.

A responsible child

This child in the video was thoroughly motivated to do things according to their morning routine with the dog as his buddy. From the time the little boy woke up, he took full responsibility for his pet in such a cute way. It is heartwarming to watch our featured video as there was great joy in their togetherness.

Waking up

The video begins with the little boy and his dog lying down on their bed. The two woke up and got out of bed, full of energy. They rushed down the circular staircase to go to the kitchen.

Making their beverages

The little tyke used the coffee maker to make a latte. The dog waited in anticipation while licking his chops. After pressing the coffee machine’s button, the child and dog went towards their breakfast nook.

Breakfast drinks

They then sat in front of a marble countertop. The temptingly delicious foamy beverages were in front of them. The two stared with delight at their drinks before consuming these. When they finished their drinks, they had completed the morning routine!

Watch their enjoyable morning routine!

Source: DailyPicksandFlicks|YouTube


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