ertuzio (CC0), Pixabay

Many pet owners understand the difficulties that come with having pets. For example, if you owned a dog like this Malamute, you surely have to make sure that you give it all the attention that it is asking for.

What is really funny about this Malamute is that it does not really care if it means having to be in competition with a baby that is four times smaller than it is – all for the sake of getting attention.

It was one really lazy afternoon when a group of friends decided to just hang out and relax. Joining them was a new person who was really cute in its onesie. Because of how cute it was, the humans turned their attention to it.

The Malamute noticed what was happening and just did not think too much of it. He seemed to understand why the humans were acting that way as the baby was really adorable and quite so cute. However, as time passed, all the attention that the baby was getting seemed to be too much for him.

He was not getting any attention and the Malamute was not amused in any way. He starts to show that he is not happy about it and that adorable baby is not going to get all of the attention that was supposed to be his.

The Malamute decided that he will not let this pass and he will get the attention that he deserves. So he started to make his way towards his fur-dad, surely but surely. Then, when he saw the chance, he plopped himself right between his fur-dad and the baby.

He then proceeded to give his human licks on the face which caused laughter from the humans. He definitely got the attention that he wants and he is so proud of what he has done. It’s one point for the Malamute!

Source: Life With Malamutes


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