This family is composed of many cute dogs, including a family of chow-chows. Just like any other family, there is always one family member that stands out.

In this family, the stand out is the one they call Baby. Baby is the bravest of them all as she embarks on life with only three legs. She was not in a car accident or was maltreated.

Baby’s mother accidentally did something that caused her leg to be injured. Baby’s mother wanted to get her prosthetics but was informed that it is impossible. It was impossible to provide prosthetics because there were no bones left.

This did not stop Baby from enjoying life, though, as she is as adventurous as any other dog. She has no problem walking through rough roads. They even go for a walk in the nearby mountain. She does get exhausted quickly, but it is something that a quick rest can cure.

Baby enjoys playing and walking with her mother and best friend, Hodu. Hodu has always been there for Baby, and they have been inseparable. Hodu is such an excellent caretaker to Baby, which makes Baby rely on him most of the time.

Baby is one lucky dog as she is surrounded by people who love her. After every playtime, Baby’s mom would massage her. Now, that’s what you can call a blessed dog!

Baby’s mom said that she is the lucky one as her dogs give her so much happiness, especially Baby. Baby’s disability does not hinder her from enjoying life. Baby is just like any regular dog who enjoys walks and loves to play outdoors.

Baby’s fighting spirit is inspirational for anyone who has physical disability or deformity. She is teaching people that there is no reason not to enjoy life. One can live happily with a disability if they do not let their condition stop them.

Source SBS TV via YouTube


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