Mina was a stray dog that ended up at a public animal pound in Romania. She was so sick and had little to no chance of survival. Despite her condition, she did not receive even the most basic form of medical care.

The poor dog deteriorated fast. Thankfully, Howl of a Dog stepped in and pulled her out of the pound. From there, rescuers took her straight to an emergency veterinary hospital, where she underwent an extensive examination and various laboratory exams.

Once the lab results were out, it was revealed that the dog suffered from Demodex mange, intestinal infection, anemia, and dehydration. She also had several patches of missing hair and she itched all the time. To help soothe her skin and stabilize her condition, she needed to have amino acids and glucose administered through IV insertion.

After receiving medical care, Mina joined her rescuers at the shelter. With their guidance and care, she continued her recovery. She had medicated baths a few times each week and ate balanced meals two to three times a day.

Mina’s physical healing happened fast, but her emotional trauma needed a little more time to mend. She was really so scared of people that she trembled when someone tried to pet her. She also kept her tail tucked between her legs most of the time.

As days went by, Mina became more and more cheerful. She learned that people aren’t bad at all. She began to enjoy the company of humans, and receiving belly rubs from them soon became her favorite thing.

It took a little over three weeks before the dog learned what toys were. But once she started playing, she didn’t stop. She discovered the joy of being a dog, and she had a happy tail wag from that point forward.

While Mina was busy playing with her new toys, her rescuers diligently worked on finding her a home. And before long, they delivered the good news to her. A loving family from Germany fell in love with her and offered her a home.

Credits to Howl of a Dog


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