Besides helping his human officers in fighting against drug crimes, Tango, a K-9 officer, still makes time for play. After Tyson reached his retirement age, Tango took over his position. Tyson is another K-9 officer who served his fellow K-9 and human police officers since 2011.

Apparently, Tango is the type of dog that can multi-task. He can manage to search for a person that is missing or bust illegal drugs while keeping his officer, Mike Schroeder, safe all at the same time. After a while of working hard for his community, he now has time to play his tennis ball.

Tango is a breed of German Shepherd. The Police Department considered having Tango’s breed for several reasons. One of these is that German Shepherds are known for their friendliness among people.

Tango and Schroeder both had training in Europe where they matched. After that, they made concentrated efforts together in Dodge Country to heighten their competency. The two will still be going under training in different areas of their line of work.

The reason why Schroeder applied for a K-9 handler is that he wanted to challenge himself. He has undergone several training sessions in the Czech Republic. Even if the work was new to him, he managed to work his best potential and show what he got as a K-9 handler.

Officer Schroeder’s home is Tango’s home too. He has his own cage outside of the house but also is very welcome to go inside. The two go to work every day riding the servicing vehicle provided by the department.

Tango’s center of attention is only on his handler and not with anybody else. Not even with another police officer. See how loyal this dog is?

Tango’s first work in a real-life illegal drug bust wowed his handler. His attitude went focused and determined for them to know where the source is. After a while of sniffing and searching, Tango found a bag inside the car used by the suspect.

And there it was. Marijuana and heroin were busted from the suspect who was arrested. Tango’s determination at work makes him one of the best.

With that, Officer Schroeder gives us a few words of wisdom. This is to let our dogs be our confidence. They already gave us their loyalty and love. In return, we must give them our trust.

Tango has a perfect demeanor towards other people. Because of this, he is up for presentations and demonstrations led by the Police Department for the community. They believed that Tango could be more of a help when he has more exposure to the people.

Credits to Wisconsin Vest-A-Dog


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