Some dogs, despite their hulky stature, can be adorable and gentle when interacting with other animals. With their curiosity peaked, some dogs are friendly enough to make friends with the unlikeliest of creatures. Take, for example, Fiona and her gopher buddies.

Fiona, a Great Pyrenees, lived in San Francisco with her doting mom. She was a gentle dog who often took regular walks to their local park for her much-needed exercise and playtime. It was also the perfect chance for her to explore and meet new friends.

The park was often riddled with holes, known to be the work of several gophers. Fiona quickly found out that if she were patient enough and wait, a tiny gopher would pop out in one of those holes to say hi. Sure enough, she often greeted her little buddies as they ventured out occasionally from their tunnels.

Fiona’s mom knew how friendly and sweet this pooch indeed was. She revealed how Fiona fully expected everyone to greet her with the same happiness and zeal as she did them. Fortunately, the gophers instinctively knew Fiona’s disposition and greeted her with the same enthusiasm.

Amazingly, these tiny creatures appeared to love how this big dog always waited for them to show up. They repeatedly popped up to greet the large dog, with Fiona gently gazing at them with a joyful expression on her face. Their meet-and-greets were filled with gentleness and such sweetness that proved how lovely Fiona was.

It was remarkable how the gophers often peeked their heads out from their tunnels to greet their huge buddy. It looked like they were neither afraid nor intimidated by Fiona’s size, despite their instinct of self-preservation.

Friendships were truly found in all shapes and sizes. Fiona and her friendly gophers were a testament to that fact.

Photos Courtesy of Fiona_The_Great_Pyrenees via Instagram


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