Unleashed Pet Rescue is a licensed nonprofit and no-kill animal shelter based in Kansas. One day, a staff member saw a social media post looking for help for a five-month-old pit bull. The online plea said that the puppy wandered inside the porch of someone’s house and collapsed. The homeowner found the unconscious dog and called animal services for help.

The pup was then taken by the authorities and placed in the local shelter. Sadly, they didn’t have the resources to get the dog treatments. One of the shelter volunteers realized that without medical help, the dog could possibly perish. The young pooch was losing time.

Unleashed Pet Rescue reached out to the shelter.

A long recovery

A rescuer from the rescue group went to the shelter and took the injured pup to an animal hospital. On the way, the kind rescuer felt so sad for the puppy.

The pup’s face was swollen, and both eyes were shut. He also had deep wounds all over his face and neck. These were all good indications that the dog was probably used as bait in illegal dog fights. Vets immediately took care of the pup, who they named Jax, and gave him his own kennel where he could rest and recuperate.

The concerned rescuer returned every night for the next couple of weeks to show the pup some love and attention. She would spend hours feeding the little dog and rubbing his body. This seemed to work as he showed good progress every day.

A different pup

Two weeks after Jax was sent to the hospital, he turned into a very different pup. He became very active and responsive, happily playing with the medical staff. When they first found him, he could barely move his body. His head and his tail were the only things that showed some life.

The rescuer who looked after him during his hospital stay turned into his foster mom. She will be taking care of Jax and ensuring he fully recovers. The kindhearted lady has grown very close to the pup and is thinking of adopting the rescue dog herself.

Source: Jacob Meyer via Youtube


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