Forgetting to lock your house as your family goes to bed can quickly become a scary situation. It’s an invitation for thieves to easily enter your home and rob it. However, for one family, forgetting to lock the house as everyone turned in for the night became an early Christmas present.

Jack Jokinen was suddenly woken up by his wife, Emily. She told Jack that she found a puppy inside the house. Still half-asleep, Jack couldn’t quite understand what Emily was saying. Nevertheless, Jack decided to go downstairs to check.

Sure enough, there was a dog that was laying down in the middle of the house. Jack was a little confused and wondered how the dog came inside the house since all the doors leading right into the house were locked. Jack knew that his parents were coming to visit and even wondered if the dog was a Christmas gift from them.

golden retriever, pet, dog

Jack decided to review the security footage from the CCTV cameras installed in their house. Jack saw that he left the front door open when he came home from walking their dog, Jorge Pawsada. Then, at around 3:15 am, a stray dog wandered into the front door of their home. At around 3:45 am, Jack then saw a neighbor noticing that their door was wide open and decided to close the door, which sealed the stray dog inside the Jokinen home.

Initially, Jack and Emily thought that the dog was a puppy considering that it was small in size. However, after a closer look, the dog was actually older. The dog appeared to be a puppy because she was malnourished and underweight. Later that day, Jack and Emily called Animal Control to see if they would help.

Animal Control informed Jack that the dog would be checked for a microchip and would be housed in the animal shelter. Seeing that the dog was injured, Jack and Emily knew that there’s a high probability the dog would be euthanized. Instead of surrendering the dog to the animal shelter, they decided to take her to the veterinarian instead.

dog, yellow, labrador

Aside from being malnourished, the dog also had other problems. She had tick and flea infestations, an injured paw, and dental problems. Jack and Emily knew that the dog can’t go back to wherever she was before. So, they decided to adopt her and called her Suzy Pupman.

People who learned about Suzy’s story even started to donate money to help pay for Suzy’s veterinary bill. Jack and Emily were grateful for all the support they’re getting. They raised over $15,000 and the couple stated that if there are any leftovers, they will donate them to charity.

Now, Suzy is finally happy in her new home and new family. She loves her new dog sibling, Jorge, and she spends lots of time getting spoiled by the Jokinens. Here’s a truly amazing video about Suzy getting an early Christmas miracle.

Video Source Zoo Land via YouTube


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