A stray dog was looking for food when he came across a couple who were about to have their dinner at a restaurant.

The hungry pup took his chance and approached them. A stray cat happened to wander in the very same place, so that’s how this couple’s dinner night in Turkey began.

The hungry dog hopped up and sat beside the guy to ask for head rubs. The cat decided to perch on the lady’s lap, watching how the dog got some love.

The two animals kept their distance, but it looked like they’re trying to size each other up. The couple could only smile and laugh at both furballs.

The guy and lady thought for a moment about how to best approach these animals. They decided to just let them come at their own pace.

Strays are well-taken care of in Turkey, and they’ve become quite an attraction. They’re not aggressive and they’re well-behaved, so tourists delight in them.

Furry rivals

The dog seemed to have won over the couple’s affections. The lady noticed that the cat wasn’t too happy about its canine rival, so she decided to take a video of the puppy getting some head scratches.

The dog repeatedly asked for head rubs, and if the guy stopped giving them, the canine would just place its paws on the guy’s lap once more. I wouldn’t mind having this doggo over for dinner.

Who could say no to that sweet ball of fur just wanting some love and a little food? When this clip was posted on the net, many people fell in love with the stray dog’s adorable antics.

I’d gladly share mine with that doggo, even with the cat’s death glares. This kind of event is just too adorable for words, and no wonder this clip has been actually viewed half a million times, and counting!

Credits to ViralSnare Rights Management via YouTube


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