Kenn was a volunteer at a local shelter in Sacramento, California. He was having a typical workday when a couple walked in and surrendered Roo, a German Shepherd puppy.

Meeting Roo

Roo was a puppy that had two genetically deformed front legs. His owners didn’t know how to take care of him, so instead brought him to the local shelter.

Kenn instantly fell in love with Roo. He promised Roo’s owners he would take care of the pup and find him a home that can accommodate his needs.

Roo was a very affectionate puppy. Kenn and Roo spent a lot of time playing in the shelter, so Kenn decided to foster him and help him get adopted.

Kenn took Roo to his house, and the pup immediately went to play with the other dogs. Kenn’s pets helped Roo blossom into a more playful and loving puppy.

After a few days, Kenn bought Roo a vest to help him walk. Roo hated the garment and refused to cooperate. Kenn had to use some peanut butter to lure him into walking.

Roo didn’t need the vest to walk. He would push himself up using his head and walk like he didn’t even know his legs were deformed.

Kenn saw how Roo was determined to walk and finally decided that the pup was ready to be adopted. It didn’t take long before dozens of people e-mailed Kenn their applications.

Forever home

Dana was a woman that loved dogs. She already had multiple disabled dogs but was willing to adopt one more.

One day, while Dana was scrolling through Facebook, she saw a picture of Roo. She immediately fell in love with the up and contacted Kenn her application.

Kenn was sad to lt Roo go, but he knew that Dana was the perfect person to adopt the pup. Dana drove to the shelter to pick Roo up and was so happy when she finalized the adoption.

Dana took Roo to her house that had three and a half acres of land for Roo to play. It was evident that Roo loved his new home by the way he ran around with his tail wagging.

Watch the heartwarming story here:

Source: The Dodo via Youtube


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