Our dogs can be like spoiled little kids. They sometimes have their preferences when it comes to food, toys, or even their sleeping area. Well, that’s just how things are when you have a dog in your life. If we want to be dog parents, we have to take the bad with the good.

However, even if they can be spoiled little brats sometimes, there is one thing that will always make them happy, and that is you. Have you ever wondered why they like hanging out on the couch or on your bed? It’s because these pieces of furniture can retain our scent.

So if we are too busy to play with them, or perhaps we are away at work, lounging on the couch or on our beds satisfies our dog’s need for our companionship. It’s amazing how many great things their keen sense of smell can bring to the table, and this gave JD a great idea.

JD is in the military, and he has been deployed overseas for over a year. JD and his wife Rachel have two dogs, Brindle and Xander. Just like human kids, dogs have their favorites, and Brindle is super close to JD. Rachel even shared that Brindle’s jolly personality disappeared, and he would spend hours on end looking out the window, hoping that his dad would be coming home soon.

So in order to alleviate the poor pup’s loneliness, JD sent a nice gift for Brindle, his unwashed shirt. You may be wondering why JD would send a gross gift to his dog. Remember, our scent is enough to satisfy our dog’s longing for us, and when Brindle got the gift, he went completely nuts!

Luckily, Rachel filmed everything, and when she shared it on Facebook, the whole world loved the video. People who saw it even commented that they would love to see the reunion video. We could just imagine how crazy Brindle would be once his dad comes home. For now, his unwashed shirt would do.

Posted by Rach Aument on Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Credits: Rach Aument


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