Friendliness is one of the most highly regarded values that each one should possess. Despite the hectic schedules we’re facing, one should take time to befriend the people surrounding us.

However, it looks like a friendly Beagle’s efforts go down the drain despite its numerous attempts at befriending a feisty chicken pair. Do you think the dog eventually convinced the chickens to play with him?

Hey, let’s play!

In this video, a cute Beagle named Pierre takes a look at their verdant backyard. However, it seems like the pooch’s done with its sightseeing activity as it starts approaching two chickens.

Before the chickens could pass through, Pierre starts barking at the pair, ultimately startling them. However, the black chicken seemed unfazed as it continues strutting along the grass.

Seeing that the chicken ignored him, Pierre makes another attempt at capturing the fowl’s attention by approaching it. But, it looks like Pierre gets the short end of the stick as the chicken chases the dog with its sharp beak.

Why won’t you play with me?

Despite the current situation, the dauntless Pierre carries on with its attempts at befriending the chickens. He resumes slowly approaching them, but it seems the birds’ not interested in his offer.

Before Pierre could react, the angry chicken starts shooing him away. Not happy with its reaction, Pierre persists with its attempts at befriending the bird.

However, it looks like the chickens aren’t in any mood to indulge Pierre in his whims as they once again send the relentless pooch away. But, it seems Pierre’s adamant to catch their attention as he once again barks at the chicken.

This funny scenario continued for a few seconds, with neither Pierre nor the chicken pair yielding to the other. How do you think this story ended? You’ll only find out by clicking the play button below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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