Any dogs that are abandoned by their families become mistrustful and fearful of humans. Rescuing these dogs takes a lot of understanding and patience since they’ve been through a lot.

In southern California, an animal rescue organization called Hope For Paws received an email about an abandoned dog living behind a fast-food restaurant. The dog is a female gray Pit Bull who found refuge inside the restaurant’s trash storage room.

Although the Pit Bull didn’t act aggressively, the restaurant staff still needed to be cautious since the dog may act violently if she felt she was threatened. The Hope For Paws rescuers knew that they had to act quickly before the trash truck comes.

amstaff, american staffordshire terrier, terrier

When the rescuers arrived at the location, they found the Pit Bull cowering at the corner of the trash storage room. They spoke to her calmly and even offered her some food to win her trust.

Thankfully, it was easy to win the trust of the scared Pit Bull. After accepting the food the rescuers offered, she started wagging her tail and even letting the rescuers hug her.

It took some time and a few more food morsels to coax the scared Pit Bull out of the trash room but when she finally came out, she was so grateful that she started giving her rescuers hugs and kisses.

pit bull, dog, black dog

The Hope For Paws rescuers named her Kisses and they took her back to their facility. She was bathed and immediately felt so good after that. Kisses ended up getting fostered by an amazing family who she adored.

Kisses turned out to be such a sweet dog. Her foster mom hasn’t fostered failed yet but Kisses changed all that. She was adopted by her foster family and she’s now thriving in her new forever home. Kisses definitely found the happy ending that she deserved. Here’s a video featuring Kisses and her rescue story.

Source: The Dodo via YouTube


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