As a volunteer firefighter in Michigan for around thirty years, Ray Overall has gone to numerous rescue missions. And even though he has retired, he has never stopped being a hero. And for his latest rescue, his trusty dog, Max, shares equal credit with him.

If it weren’t for the two, a senior lady could have perished.

Calling out for help

81-year-old Ray, who is living at the Brookdale Senior Living Facility in Novi, Michigan, one day heard a thump while he was in his room. Even though it was one in the morning, Ray was still awake and watching TV with his 14-year-old rat terrier then. He didn’t think much of the sound he heard as it could have been anyone out on the hall doing something.

But curiously, Max wouldn’t stop barking. He also started running around on the floor. The senior dog owner was already half asleep by then and started getting annoyed at his dog’s sudden outburst. The dog owner told his pet to quiet down, but Max ignored him.

Ray got fed up and closed his television. He was about to talk to his dog and get him to calm down when he suddenly heard a faint sound. Her upstairs neighbor, an 87-year-old lady, was calling out for help, and she was crying in pain.

Ray put two and two together and realized that the elderly woman must have fallen and injured herself. He immediately put his clothes on and together with Max, went down of their living-assisted complex to find help.

They met a guard and told him what happened. First responders soon arrived and rushed the woman to the hospital. She was treated immediately and is expected to recover. The doctors said the situation would have been worse if the woman was not treated right away.


A month after that fateful day, firefighters from the Novi Fire Department returned to the senior living facility to honor Ray and Max. The heroic man was presented with a Life Saver award, and the little pooch was given a basket full of treats.



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