Good Samaritan Maria Garcia urgently contacted the local nonprofit rescue group Hope For Paws to ask for help. She mentioned to the rescuers that while driving, she saw a dog right in the middle of the Metro Express Lanes. With vehicles passing on both sides at 65 MPH, she knew the dog was in extreme danger and that it needed to be rescued right away.

The group’s founder and lead rescuer, Eldad, sprang into action. He quickly drove to the freeway and pinpointed the dog’s exact location. He was ready to save the dog but he instantly realized he needed help to safely secure the dog.

The rescuer exited the freeway and went to the nearest police station. There, he told Officers Gray and Nichols about the dog and asked for their help. The officers understood how serious the situation was and agreed to extend all the assistance Eldad needed.

Eldad drove to the dog’s location with Officers Gray and Nichols right behind him. As the rescuer parked his car in a safe spot, the police officers cleared out one of the lanes on the freeway. They gave Eldad enough space to work and they directed oncoming vehicles away from the dog.

The rescuer knew the most challenging part of the rescue was about to happen. He quickly but cautiously approached the dog, hoping that it won’t panic and run away. If it happened, the chances of an accident almost became certain. Thankfully, the animal stayed put.

Eldad worked quickly. He carefully wrapped the dog in a towel and then gently scooped it up. As he carried it to his car, he assured the dog he meant no harm and that he’d help it feel better.

Eldad thanked Officers Gray and Nichols for making the rescue possible. In honor of the officers, Eldad named the animal PD.

PD underwent multiple surgeries before getting back to full health. She continued her recovery in her foster home, where she stayed until she found her forever home. Today, PD lives a happy life with her loving family, all thanks to the efforts of everyone who helped her get off the freeway.

Credits: Hope For Paws and pipudingbat


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