Mylene2401 (CC0), Pixabay

As a volunteer dog walker for an animal shelter, Samuel Clarence developed a fondness for dogs. At first, he volunteered to walk the dogs just for amusement. He had no idea that his decision to do so would help him develop a positive rapport with dogs.

Clarence’s primary responsibility as a volunteer with the Christchurch Bull Breed Rescue in New Zealand is to care for two puppies. These two puppies and their mother were abandoned on a private property. At the time he began volunteering, the two puppies were six months old.

Clarence assured the animal shelter that, in addition to caring for the two dogs, he would assist in the search for adopters for them. Nevertheless, he need not seek any further, as he would be the permanent parent of one of the two dogs.

He first agreed to foster Stanley until he found a permanent home. But as time went, he grew increasingly connected to the dog. That is why he decided to give the dog its permanent home.

Clarence stated in an interview that it was simple to like Stanley. Although it seemed doubtful since the dog was abandoned, that did not mean that the animal was incapable of displaying affection. Clarence showed the world that the dog is loving by using the dog’s love language – physical contact.

Stanley, like any other dog, is possessive. The dog also enjoys being petted and cuddled.

During one of the dog’s trips with Clarence, a photograph of the dog clutching his human’s hand went viral on the internet. Such a sweet gesture!

As the owner drove, the dog refused to let go of Clarence’s hand. It may be ordinary for anyone, but for Clarence, it was something extraordinary. This is the dog’s way of expressing gratitude to Clarence for providing him with a loving home.

Source: CreepyWorld


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