You might have heard about him in January 2021, after making headlines when rescuers found him dumped and abandoned at the Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) parking lot. Rescue dog Ethan was discovered completely underweight and unable to walk and lift his head.

The resilient canine continues to live his best life more than a year later, thanks to the people and groups who believed in him.

The brave canine soldiered on the way to a remarkable recovery through the power of social media and the perseverance of KHS. Within a few months, he slowly regained his ability to walk and reached his goal weight. He currently resides with a KHS staff member and savors the company of his other pet siblings.

Ethan is using his A-lister status to good use. He became a pet adoption ambassador and poster pup for shelter pets everywhere. He spreads awareness about the joys that rescue pets like him can bring by attending advocacy events. He is also Busch Beer’s Dog Brew’s Chief Tasting Officer.

He also pays it forward by helping neglected canines. He recently showed his support for a dog named Travolta, who was also found severely emaciated and abandoned.

Ethan’s good deeds keep getting him noticed. In fact, he got nominated for this year’s American Humane Hero Dog Award. This annual show honors courageous dogs like him in seven categories: Therapy, Shelter, Search and Rescue, Military, Service, Guide/Hearing, and Law Enforcement/Detection. Our darling Ethan was nominated under the Shelter category.

The 2022 American Humane Hero Dog Awards nominees were determined through public voting, where they opened the first round of selections until May 18 of this year.

Those who wanted to vote were asked to go to the official website of the American Humane Hero Dog Awards to see all the nominees and cast their votes for their favorites.

Source: Kentucky Humane Society / Facebook


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