Another door opened for Ruby, a Kelpie dog when she was fired from herding. She was bought to work as a herder at a farm in Lancefield, but the farmer realized that she was not doing her task well. According to the neighbors, the owner paid a lot of money to buy the pure-bred Kelpie.

Poor Ruby was not given a second chance because instead of being assigned to do a different task at the farm, she was dropped off at Edgar’s Mission, a local animal sanctuary in Victoria, Australia.

Living in the sanctuary

When Ruby arrived at the sanctuary, the staff immediately noticed that she was afraid of human touch. She was too scared to let anyone come near her. It took some time before the staff was able to gain her trust. When she finally let them in, the staff saw how sweet Ruby was. They also discovered that the Kelpie was a sucker for belly rubs.

The sanctuary rescues different kinds of farm animals. It became Ruby’s new home, and the staff gave her a new job. They noticed that she was fond of doting the farm animals that were turned over to the sanctuary, so she was assigned as the new vet nurse.

A new role for the Kelpie

Ruby loved her new job. She enjoyed it so much that she shows up early for work each day. She gives love and nurturing energies to the scarred rescues. Ruby is also the first one to greet animals that arrive at the sanctuary. She showers them with hugs and kisses to make them feel at home.

Ruby’s warm, healing energy makes it easier for the animals to adjust to their new life in the sanctuary. She empathizes with them, and she makes sure that they feel at home.

Credits to Edgar’s Mission


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