pasja1000 (CC0), Pixabay

Dogs adore us, humans, without condition. However, this unconditional love is not limited to humans; it also extends to other creatures.

A pregnant dog in northern India began caring for an orphaned monkey after its mother and other monkeys were poisoned on the idea that they were ruining farms. The dog’s maternal instincts activated upon hearing the infant monkey’s cries.

Photographer Prakash Badal captured endearing images of the two animals after seeing them while he was photographing nearby birds. The dog’s compassion and unconditional devotion struck him so much that he spent an entire day photographing them. He saw how the doggo permitted the small monkey to snooze on his lap and get much-needed rest.

The dog’s name was Brown, and the monkey was later on named Bajrangi. Badal said that Bajrangi began to even receive milk from Brown’s lap. Brown surely showed patience while Bajrang played and climbed over everything in sight. Brown became an exceptionally good mother to Bajrangi, proving that there is no love like that of our moms.

Badal spent time observing Brown and Bajrangi. He was even lucky enough to be allowed by the two animals to hang out with them. Following this, he stated that even if dogs and monkeys occasionally engage in conflict, the relationship between a mother and a child is more significant.

When confronted with a young and defenseless child, Badal believed a mother’s maternal instincts would emerge. Even if the youngster belonged to a different species, a mother would take the initiative and care for it as if it were their young.

Badal further stated that the bond between Brown and Bajrangi had something to teach us, humans. The lesson is that we should not kill our fellow human beings solely on the basis of their religion or caste.

Humans have plenty to learn from animals.

Source: Caters Clips


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