In India, it’s common to see stray dogs roaming around, teetering between life and death. It’s also common for dog rescuers to see dogs that look lifeless, only to discover that they are still alive but barely breathing.

There was one puppy that was rescued by an organization called Animal Aid Unlimited. They found that puppy lying on the ground in the corner of a storage room, surrounded by cow manure. The rescuers who witnessed such a scene were heartbroken.

One of the rescuers picked the dog up using a blanket. He was careful and gentle as he was doing that since the puppy’s skin was sensitive. The puppy no longer had fur and was severely malnourished, making it more sensitive and fragile.

When the puppy was sent to the animal shelter, it received proper medical treatment. The dog was wrapped in bandages and placed in an isolated area where it could rest and eat. The dog’s treatment continued until it regained strength and wagged its tail.

The dog’s mangey skin eventually healed and became better because of the medication it received every day. There was always someone to clean and bathe the puppy. As a result, not only did the puppy’s appearance improve, but it also became happier and more energetic.

The puppy remained in the animal shelter after becoming healthier. It spends most of its time playing and cuddling with rescuers. Sometimes the dog would get visitors that would also interact with it.

The dog in this story is one of many dogs that Animal Aid Unlimited has helped in India. They are doing their best to fight the growing crisis of animal abandonment and apathy in their country. To find out more about them and what they do, check out the link below.

Source: The Dodo via YouTube.


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