A 14-year-old Chihuahua named Blanche was surrendered to the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter after a family dispute. It seemed that the father didn’t want to have the canine around their house anymore as no one was taking care of their pet. He felt the senior pooch would have a better life elsewhere as his family didn’t want to do anything with their dog.

When the shelter staff took the dog in, they immediately saw the effects of long-time neglect. Blanche had major dental problems, overgrown nails, weight issues, and her skin was full of rashes. Most of her fur in the back was gone too.

Not only that, the dog seemed very sad and lonely as well.

More problems

With all the health issues that Blanche had, the shelter scheduled her to be euthanized. Her former owner tried to get her back before she was about to be put to sleep, but the staff laid out some conditions before they could take her again. First, they were legally required to address her medical concerns, and second, they had to pay for each day that Blanche stayed in the shelter.

The owner backed out, abandoning her again.

Thankfully, a nonprofit rescue organization came in before time ran out on the senior canine. Marley’s Mutts Dog Rescue took Blanche away from the kill shelter and gave her the help she needed,


Blanche was brought to a vet, and they discovered that she had slow-growing mammary tumors and her skin problem was most likely caused by Cushing’s disease. While she was getting her treatments, the rescue group asked their supporters for donations. The plea included sweaters to keep the pooch warm.

The response was amazing. Financial help poured in to pay for her medical needs, and many sweaters were sent as well. Blanche would don the various colorful clothing donated to her, and the organization would post her photos on its Facebook Page. The adorable dog attracted a lot of attention and it helped her find a new home.

Source: Marley’s Mutts Dog Rescue via Facebook


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