One Redditor was looking through her albums and decided to share photos of her furry friend Ringo, whom she brought home eight months prior.

User flibbertygiblet, who wanted to be known only by the name Crystal, told the story of how she met Ringo. An acquaintance of hers asked her to take a look at his dog while he was out of town.

According to Crystal, her acquaintance wanted her to “get rid” of the dog, and he didn’t even seem to care where he would be re-homed.

Image credit: Imgur

Crystal found the dog chained in an abandoned barn, so fearful that he couldn’t even look her in the eye. She also found out that he had been staying in the barn for more than two years.

Ringo only weighed 60 pounds when Crystal found him. Besides being thin, he was also infested with fleas and ticks and had blindness in one eye.

Crystal brought the dog to a vet for a check-up and flea removal then decided to foster him for a while before re-homing him.

Ringo was still understandably fearful during the first few weeks in his new home, but Crystal will never forget the day she fell in love with Ringo. She was opening a bag of treats when the dog came to her and looked at her with the happiest smile on his face.

Image credit: Imgur

Eventually, Ringo got over his fearfulness and gained confidence as well as healthy weight. He did get fat at first because his digestive system was unaccustomed to getting real food. With exercise, however, he lost much of the fat and gained more muscle.

Once Ringo got healthier, he was able to go ahead and get vaccinated and neutered, and it was then that Crystal found out that he had a blood clotting disorder. At the time, she was still undecided whether she wanted to keep him.

Ringo’s blind eye also swelled from time to time, and this gave the poor dog a lot of trouble. So Crystal decided to have the eye removed once and for all—and she finally made up her mind that she was going to keep Ringo instead of re-homing him.

Image credit: Imgur

With Crystal’s and her other pets’ love, care, and companionship, the once-neglected Ringo transformed into a happy and healthy dog.

Thanks to Crystal for sharing Ringo’s story and pictures over at Reddit and Imgur, and thanks also to HuffPost for posting the original story.


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