There is nothing scarier than clipping your dog’s nails.
I know when you go to grooming salons, it may look like it’s a piece of cake, The groomers make it look like they are just clipping their own nails. But reality, trimming or cutting nails is a very intimidating thing to do.

One struggle is they don’t want to have their nails clipped, changes are, they will be moving a lot too much since they don’t want you to do it, so that makes it even harder,
You can try different ways to prepare your pet for nail trimming, some would try to distract them in many different way, some would trim their nails when they are asleep. It takes a while, but one thing’s for sure, forcing your dog will make this supposedly simple task impossible.
There are available tool you can use, there is Nail Dremel and Nail clippers
You just have to choose which one would work best for your dog.

Does your dog hate nail trimming?
Well, most dogs do, it is hard to keep them still when you groom their nails through Clippers, if it is really challenging to do it, you can try using a Nail Dremel, it is faster because it is battery operated. So when you dremel, it will take less time.

Pros and Cons of Nail Dremel and Nail clippers
Nail clippers are more usual or traditional, Nail dremels are high tech tools you can use, it requires charging and sometimes the noise coming from it can bother your dog . Of course, Nail Dremels are more expensive but remember, it gets the job done quickly.
Nail clipping is definitely a skill, so you have to get used it by doing more practice.

Dremels can be easily controlled since it is electric and it has a handle and speed controller, so lesser chance of hurting your dog, while nail clipper can cause accidents and these clippers can be stressful and nerve wrecking especially when you are not accustomed in using it.

Bottomline is, It’s up to you, anyhow, if you are the one who is going to do the nail grooming, then it’s your choice, weigh things, try to see the good and bad in each tool. Choose the one that works well both for you and your dog.

Consequences Of Long Toenails
It can cause sores and blisters, it will hurt when it touches the floor, so it might cause injury and pain. We wouldn’t want your dog to feel uncomfortable when running or walking around. Secondly, dogs are fond of scratching their skin or fur, and we have to make sure we keep their nails short and clean to avoid unwanted, infected wounds.
Keep in mind that nail and paw health is really important and necessary for your dog, we need to be responsible enough to keep it clean. Your dog’s hygiene will affect his health, one way of another. So make sure you are keen to maintain the cleanliness of your dog’s nails.


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