fh4life190 (CC0), Pixabay

This dog, named Milo, is human-like in so many aspects. For one, the pooch wears a huge smile, which caught the eyes and hearts of his new mom, Ivy Rylander. Second, the dog’s colored eyes could brighten one’s day. But most notably, what caught the attention of Ivy in adopting the pooch is Milo’s personality.

According to Ivy, she had not seen a dog like Milo. She said that the dog’s positive demeanor in life is infectious and could brighten one’s day. This is the reason why when she first saw the dog, Ivy immediately fell in love.

Ivy shared that she found the dog wandering the busy streets of California. At first, she thought that the dog was missing, so she brought him to the nearest police station. It turns out that the dog was stray and homeless. The dog then smiled at the gesture of Ivy. This caught Ivy’s attention, and she said she would be the dog’s new mom.

Since the dog was homeless, the police station gave Ivy the custody of the dog. When Milo arrived at Ivy’s home, it took a while for the dog to adjust. The dog would often sleep outside the house because he got used to it. But with Ivy’s patience, Milo was able to learn to embrace the new life he will be part of.

Ivy said that she understood the dog’s initial reaction because he already got used to it. She did not force the dog to change it right away, but Ivy was persistent in letting the dog knows that he is now in a safe environment. Ivy and Milo are not together for over five years since the former decided to adopt the pooch. Ivy said that her life has vastly improved because of the dog’s positive attitude.

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woke up like this 😎

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Credits to Mystery Pibble.


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