I know it may sound cliche but dog is really a man’s best friend.
I have a dog, named Kixer, he has been part of our family for a long time now.
I went through really tough times, especially after my father’s passing few years ago and Kixer helped me go through it. I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

We first met Kixer four years ago, I can’t forget the day we got him, we were all so happy to have him because it has been a long time since we had a pet. My Dad fell in love with him. I remember, he would always take him for a walk in a nearby park, he prepares his food, he usually got so worried when Kixer was sick. To make it short, he was my Dad’s fur baby.

My Dad died because of a heart attack, it was sudden, we were all devastated. On his wake, during the visitation and viewing, Kixer was there, I even saw him looking at my Dad’s coffin and staying by it. He got really sad after the funeral. Kixer got sick so we had to take him to the dog clinic, my canine friend didn’t eat for five days. I got worried about it because I know he misses my Dad the same way we do, and maybe he was wondering why my Dad never came home that day. I was thinking he was absorbing all my sad emotions that’s why he got sick and he even loss his appetite for several days.

I never thought a dog can mean so much time, is it because is my Dad’s pet? But no, I know my dog was there for me every step of the way, he would sometimes sleep with me at night and just stay there all evening. Since then, we have been really close, I tried to treat him the way my Dad did. I know we were both comforting each other during those times, and somehow, he made me feel better. I can’t see how things will be if Kixer weren’t there on my grieving situation. It made me love him more.

I began to understand that what we, humans feel, they feel it too. They are sad when we are sad or when we are lonely, they are happy when we are happy. So have to make sure we take good care of our dogs the best we could.

We all have heard stories about dog’s saving their owners lives, or protecting them, even dying for them. They have feelings and they care about their fur parents more than you will ever know.

Bonding with your dog is really important, we treat them as part of our household, right? so spending time with them can make both of you happy, so it is a win – win situation. So, we should love our pets because they feel the same way. Ensure his safety and maintain his good health. That is your responsibility as a fur parent.


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