Dog owners always go through the ordeal of sharing their beds with their beloved furry friends. Our pets always assume that the bed belongs to them, and that we merely ask for a little space. They think they are being generous.
But then again, there are some dogs who think otherwise. There are dogs who refuse to jump in bed with their owners. Other pet owners are bothered by this behavior. It makes them think:
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Why would my dog refuse to cuddle?”
“Am I unworthy to be my dog’s bed mate?”
The answers are yet to be found. There are loads of theories on this matter—and through this article, we will try to decipher why our dogs refuse to share a bed with us.
Probably they are just uncomfortable with the Bed per se
The reason why our dogs refuse to sleep in our bed is because he or she doesn’t like sleeping in a den that was already claimed by the cat. If you have other pets at home who tend to hand out or rest on your bed, then most likely your dog did not like the idea of a territory “hand me down”. Probably your dog did not want to mess with the other pets, so he or she opted to sleep elsewhere.
Also another reason to consider is the temperature of the bed. Some beds tend to be a little warmer than usual because of body heat. Since dogs’ temperature are a few degrees higher than that of humans’, they feel uncomfortable jumping into bed to sleep. So unless room temperature is at 65 degrees or less, your dog will be perfectly contented finding a spot under an open window or simply prefer a cool floor.
Also consider the fact that you bed is too soft, and it is too soft for your dog’s liking. Just like humans, dogs choose their beds too. Sometimes, a mattress that is way too soft doesn’t provide support. Dogs who find it hard to fall into a comfortable position are sometimes affected by heart conditions like the mitral valve disease. They are the dogs who usually says no to soft beds.
Consider the size if your bed- your dog probably finds it a little small for the both of you. There are some dogs who absolutely love sprawling it out. Sometimes they do not like the idea of sharing a bed with their owners because there is not enough room. They would simply just find a comfortable spot where they can sprawl in peace.
Maybe they just think they have a job to do. Some dogs, with their protective instinct tend to sleep next to the bed, or outside the door to protect you from intruders. Sometimes they think sleeping in your bed is a form of abandoning their duties as protectors.

Don’t take it seriously. Some dogs don’t want to share the bed with you because of a whole lot of different reasons—not because they don’t like you. There are just some circumstances where in dogs think they wouldn’t be able to sleep well if they jumped in with you. Best thing to do as owner is just providing them with a good bed where they can relax and rest.


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