Toddlers are perhaps the most comical humans that anyone can encounter. These little kids can’t help but perform mischievous deeds out of their curiosity.

Thus, one Mom can’t help but scold her little girl as she discovers the child placed their puppy inside the fridge. Though the lass only meant for the doggo to “chill out,” nothing can prepare the pup with the little human’s actions.

No, you don’t do that.

In this intriguing footage, one can initially see a woman talking to her toddler daughter named Ava. Yet, it seems Mom’s not happy with whatever the lass did as she begins speaking to her in a stern tone.

Mom even focuses her camera on the door of the fridge, as if she’s planning to get an object that perhaps Ava put inside. And, even as Mom reaches out to open the door of the refrigerator, she continues chiding Ava of her deed.

Soon enough, one can see a tiny spot-furred puppy standing on one of the shelves in the fridge. With this, Mom then reaches out her hand to the doggo to get the poor thing out of the chilly compartment.


Relieved that someone finally finds him, the pup leans towards Mom’s hand, silently hinting its thanks for finally taking him out of the fridge. Hence, Mom gently gets the dog out and releases him on the floor.

But, even as the woman successfully frees the puppy from the fridge, she continues telling Ava not to do that misdeed again. And, to even emphasize her point, Mom faces Ava to see how she reacts to her reprimand.

Do you think Ava apologizes to the puppy for what she did? You’ll never know unless you tap on the play button below to find out.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube 


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