Meet Mako, a pit bull who acts more like a cat than a dog. Mako lives with his owners, Samantha and Bethany Castiller, along with their two cats. They adopted him from the local animal shelter and knew the dog was special from the minute they brought him home.

Samantha and Bethany said that Mako likes to do what their cats do. The dog also loves to spend all his time with the cats and play with feathered sticks. He even jumped on the cabinets after seeing the cats do it once.

These days, the dog feels comfortable enough to hop up on the countertops when he gets a chance. He even tried standing on top of a refrigerator once, and when his family saw him up there, they all burst out laughing. When dogs and cats live together, they usually get along well.

They might feel a bit uncomfortable around each other at first, but once they get used to each other, they can be great friends. Dogs can show behaviors similar to cats, too. For instance, when dogs are anxious or scared, they may start to act like cats and hide in the closet or even under the bed.

Dogs also mimic cats by climbing onto tables or counters. The same curiosity that makes cats climb likely motivates dogs to do the same thing. However, don’t worry too much.

Your dog most likely won’t stay this way forever. It can be a bit surprising to see your dog getting along with your cat, but it’s normal. There may be some rough moments as both pets try out one another’s games and interests, but in the end, there should be harmony.

In general, dogs and cats can live together. Just make sure the cat has a safe, private place to hide if he feels frightened by your dog. Also, be sure to supervise them when they’re playing to make sure that your cat doesn’t hurt the dog and that the dog doesn’t accidentally scare or hurt the cat while they play.

Credit: mako_thecatdog


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