staffordgreen0 (CC0), Pixabay

Dog lovers will do anything to make their beloved dog’s final days memorable before it crosses the Rainbow Bridge. They would make sure that their dog would get the best things possible and enjoy things while they are still here on this earth.

Mura, the dog of Attleboro, Massachusetts, Mayor Paul Heroux, has just returned from a two-week road trip to its birthplace. In September 2018, Mura, an 11-year-old Japanese wolf dog, was diagnosed with blood cancer. According to the medics, Mura has only a few months to live.

Since she was a puppy, Paul’s constant friend has been Mura. She is considered Paul’s closest companion. Paul follows her wherever she goes, including to schools, nursing homes, and even city hall. Mura is known as Attleboro, Massachusetts’s official dog.

Paul was resolved to fight for Mura, but he was also making preparations for the worst. He is unable to extend Mura’s life, but he pledged to spend quality time with her.

A month following her cancer diagnosis, Paul arranged for her to take a two-week road vacation. He intended to bring Mura to Canada’s Vancouver Island to see her breeder.

Paul and Mura’s cross-country driving adventure covered 8,500 kilometers. Seattle, Hollywood, San Francisco, Yellowstone National Park, and the Grand Canyon were visited. Mura was amazed to see bison and elk in Yellowstone National Park, as observed by Paul.

Paul frequently shared their journey on Facebook. Each image went viral, garnering hundreds of likes and comments from individuals around the globe.

In March 2019, Mura crossed Rainbow Bridge.

It was a terrible day for Paul, but he knew he could make Mura’s final days on Earth comfortable and joyful. The entire community of Attleboro mourned alongside Paul.

Mura may have passed away, but she will remain in the hearts of the Attleboro community forever.

Source: CBS Evening News


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