Typical pet owners usually have 1 or 2 dogs. Others who own a house with a yard possibly have 3 or more. It’s fun to have more than one pet, but it isn’t easy.

Yes, you may have the means to buy enough food for more than one dog, but do you have the time? Are you able to handle the workload? Most importantly, are you dedicated enough to feed them all?

Caring for a pet is a lifetime commitment. It isn’t easy at all. But this particular man in Thailand is defying all odds to make sure all 460 dogs that he tends to are adequately cared for.

That’s right! Michael J. Baines feeds 460 dogs each day. And he spends no less than 16 hours to make sure every pup has a meal.

Michael started feeding a small group of stray dogs. It then rose to 80 and is continuously growing each day. As he cared for more and more strays, an NGO was born and is now called The Man That Rescues Dogs (TMTRD).

To date, TMTRD has 300 dogs in their shelter, 60 under foster care, and 160 puppies and dogs in the streets of Thailand. The NGO is currently raising funds that will be used for the purchase of a newer and bigger shelter area.

Every day, Michael spends 16 hours to make sure all the dogs under his care are well fed. He wakes up at 5:15 in the morning to take his own dogs out for a walk then starts preparing the food before 7.

Michael’s actions are amazing. But his hard work alone isn’t enough. Hundreds of street dogs are still left uncared for. We can all support Michael’s advocacy by donating to TMTRD and playing our part by neutering and spaying our own dogs.

Credits to The Man That Rescues Dogs


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